March 31, 2009

New Chart: Anticipate Consumers’ Interests in Your Niche Content

SUMMARY: Self-produced content plays a role in every product and service niche. Whether you sell to consumers or the enterprise, you probably produce multiple pieces of content that are delivered through your website, blogs, syndication services, RSS, email and Twitter, just to name some of the most popular conduits.

The pressure to be ‘thought leaders’ has become one of marketing’s basic functions at many organizations. So, to help you out, we asked content marketers, what is it that sparks a change in content?
You’re a Publisher, Like it or Not
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Above, we see that it’s often the wrong trigger. To be a thought leader is to think like a publisher – to think about the people at the other end of your white paper, Web event, blog or podcast. They’re not necessarily interested in your new product or feature (unless you happen to work for Apple); they’re interested in what’s happening in the industry or economy that’s inspired that product or service.

Unfortunately, most organizations work from their needs and work outward. The top two reasons above speak to the needs of the marketer, not the consumer.

The best reasons to update content are to be found in the middle of the pack; news, trends, events and research are all about the reader. Of course, the performance of content should also dictate whether it’s time to update, upgrade or shift gears.

The bottom line? Newspapers may be dying, but the need for compelling niche content is growing every day. To fulfill that need and sell your products, remember that you’re asking for the time and interest of your customers, and make it worth their while.

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