March 20, 2007
Press Release

MarketingSherpa Publishes 2007 Ecommerce Benchmark Guide: 223 New Charts, Tables & Heatmaps to Help Improve Online Sales

SUMMARY: No summary available.
Warren, RI (PRWEB) March 20, 2007 -- MarketingSherpa, a research firm publishing Case Studies and benchmark data for marketers, released today its new Ecommerce Benchmark Guide 2007. The Ecommerce Guide features 223 charts of data on e-retail and online shopping data, including search marketing, online store design and email marketing conducted by 1,913 ecommerce marketers. Copies are available at:

This new Benchmark Guide weighs in at 294-pages and features results from four studies conducted in 2007 by MarketingSherpa:

#1. MarketingSherpa's Ecommerce Benchmark Survey: 1,913 real-life marketers shared their own results, tactical and budgeting data for this exclusive study. Data is split out by major categories (large vs. small merchants; high-growth vs. stagnant sites; services vs. product marketers, etc.).

#2. Three New MarketingSherpa Surveys of Online Shoppers: 2,449 online shoppers responded to Sherpa's survey revealing what makes them trust a site, why they abandon carts, etc. Answers from heaviest shoppers are contrasted with "average" shoppers for more insights.

#3. MarketingSherpa's Ecommerce Eyetracking Study: Six new laboratory test results show how online shoppers look (eyeball), scroll, and click on home pages, category pages, merchandise pages, and internal search result pages. These four-color heatmaps include bands such as Best Buy, Circuit City and Wal-Mart.

#4. “Best of” Study Results from 30 Independent Research Organizations: In addition to the above exclusive content, MarketingSherpa's research team also included the most useful stats and results from 30 independent research organizations such as Coremetrics, comScore and Nielsen//NetRatings. Much of this data is previously unpublished, generously gathered by these organizations at Sherpa’s request.

For a complete table of contents, including a list of all charts, tables and heatmaps, go to:

About MarketingSherpa
MarketingSherpa is a research firm publishing Case Studies, Benchmark Guides, and How-to Instructional materials for marketing professionals. 237,000 marketers read MarketingSherpa's newsletters, Guides and Web site every week.
MarketingSherpa also publishes the following Benchmark Guides:
Search Marketing Benchmark Guide
Email Marketing Benchmark Guide
Business Technology Marketing Benchmark Guide

For a complete list of available Benchmark data, go to:
Praised by The Economist, Harvard Business School's Working Knowledge Site and, the company is now celebrating its 7th anniversary. For more information, visit or call (877) 895-1717.

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