August 09, 2000
How To

Advertain's Tips on Which Rich Media Ads Women Love

SUMMARY: No summary available.
"Interactive and entertaining commercial messages encourage women to engage longer with a brand," says Amy Ng, Director of Marketing and Sales for Advertain On-Line Inc.

Advertain On-Line is a company specializing in market research for the many advertisers and agencies investing in rich media ads these days. Tens of thousands of female consumers from a startlingly wide range of ages, voluntarily visit the site each week just to interact with and give their personal impressions of the latest advertainments from such advertisers as Hersheys, Chrysler and Paramount/Sony.

Women’s average site visit-time is 16 minutes -- proving this ultra-busy demographic will take the time to really examine a rich media ad they like.

And here’s the fascinating fact: the ads site visitors rank as their top 10 favorites almost never match the ads agency creatives rank as their top 10 favorites! For example, site visitors loved rich media ads from “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” and Ford that ad industry insiders didn’t think were all that special.

Since the customer is always right, and production costs for the average advertainment ad start around $50,000, it’s probably smart for you to do some audience testing research when investing in this medium. Which, Advertain On-Line Inc. will be more than happy to do for you. They suggest you have your ad rated by at least 200-300 respondents for an accurate statistical pool using a 10-or-so question long survey. The cost? Around $2,000.

We at would also like to suggest you go with an agency heavily experienced in advertainments your first time round. We’ll bet most agencies will claim they can do it for you, but for the amount of money you’re spending why not go for an acknowledged expert? Blast Studios, Red Sky Interactive, Black Hammer and Flashy Ideas are among the leaders.

In the meantime to wet your imagination, there’s a link below to Kodak’s DC280 Camera ad which women visiting the site voted #1 for July 2000. We like it too because it feels like the camera is “right in your hands.” (But we think the copywriting could use a little work.)

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