March 03, 2003
Blog Entry

Using a Q&A Blog to Get Consulting Clients

SUMMARY: No summary available.
Clever new content-> Commerce site out from online marketing consultant John Lawlor. BlogAnswerMan is created in Blog format with each entry answering a visitor's question about how they can market their business with a Blog. The form to collect questions is on the home page, as well as a phone number to call for personal for-fee consulting on the topic. If your question is answered in the Blog you get that answer gratis. If it's not chosen for public consumption, Lawlor tries to convert you into a paying consulting client.

To encourage people to give their real names (instead of Mickey Mouse) when filling out the question form, Lawlor presents the opportunity to get your name on the published question as a benefit, which appeals to visitor's egos.

He doesn't have enough data back yet to learn if it will be a good business model, but he's happy to report that his search engine rankings are incredibly good "I went from zero to top 10 on Google in less than 72-hours. By Sunday evening I was in top ten positions on my targeted keywords on Google, MSN, AOL and Overture." The terms his Blog is optimized for include: b-blog, "blog consultant," blog consultant, "business blog," business blog, and business-blog.

As I've mentioned before, Blogs are a great way to get high rankings quickly if you copywrite them using search terms. Normal sites can take up to 30 days or more to get noticed, but for reasons I don't understand (but no doubt many of you do) Blogs tend to get picked up more quickly and more easily.

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