January 10, 2005

Got a Great Blog on Marketing, PR, or Advertising? MarketingSherpa Wants to Sponsor You

SUMMARY: No summary available
By Anne Holland, Publisher

Are you doing a great Blog on the topic of marketing, advertising, business lead gen, or public relations? Please do let us know because we want to sponsor you.

Yup. Every year I try a marketing experiment and this year it's sponsoring blogs. (Last year it was a desktop application at http://www.marketingsherpa.com/desktop.html and the year before that it was our now infamous http://www.tortureaspammer.com game site.)

For 2005, I'd like to support the best blogs out there on marketing.

To submit your Blog for consideration and learn about how the process works, please contact Henry Copeland at BlogAds (henry@blogads.com) who is creating a network of the best marketing blogs for us to sponsor.

I'm very excited about this new experiment, and will be sure to let you know how it goes!

Thanks for your support.

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