May 08, 2008
How To

Sherpa Kit: How Subscription Marketers Can Monetize Web 2.0 - YouTube Cheat Sheet

SUMMARY: No summary available
Create a YouTube channel to organize your videos. Most video-sharing sites offer free memberships to upload videos. On YouTube, each member’s video contributions are organized into “channels,” which act as your homepage on the service.

Channel pages include:
• A description of the content creator – in this case, your business.
• A range of communication options, including the ability for users to email you, subscribe to your channel or share videos with friends.
• The channel’s history on YouTube, including creation date, total number of videos added and most recent video.
• Hotlinks to all videos uploaded by that member.

Creating a YouTube channel is simple:
• Register as a user with your company’s name as your YouTube user name.
• Once registered, you can access the My Account section to change your channel settings to control features, such as allowing user comments.

A few things to keep in mind:
• YouTube brands all embedded video with a YouTube logo, which may distract viewers from your own logo/brand.
• Controversy isn’t necessarily bad. A bit of relatively harmless controversy can be an effective way to drive traffic to your video.
• The most popular videos tend to be funny, shocking or sarcastic.
• Choose your tags carefully, as they are an important tool in leading viewers to your video.

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