February 26, 2004
Blog Entry

Your vendor nominations please...

SUMMARY: No summary available.
I'd like your input for some Buyer's Guides projects we're working on.

Whether you are a client, a potential client, or a vendor yourself, you can nominate any company you chose to these Guides. Every single nominated vendor will be reviewed for complimentary inclusion -- and we try to include as many as possible.

Nominations only take a few seconds, and they are anonymous:

a. Buyer's Guide to Email Broadcast Services 2nd Edition

Nominate email services that send out bulk (broadcast) messages for clients. Questions? Contact editor Jill Keogh at jillk@marketingsherpa.com:

b. Buyer's Guide to Web Analytics

Nominate any or all software you would use to analyze your site's traffic. Questions? Contact editor Terry Lund at terry@terrylund.com:

c. Buyer's Guide to Selling Content Online

Nominate software/technology services you would need to sell content online, including PDFs, pay-per-view and subscriptions. Questions? Contact editor Andrew Benkard at andrewb@marketingsherpa.com

Thanks for your support,


Anne Holland - Publisher

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