May 29, 2002
Blog Entry

AdBumb interviews me and I miss my chance to be a genius marketer

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Oooh! Wouldn't you know it? Email newsletter AdBumb just ran an in-depth interview with me on stuff like the state of the email marketing industry, etc. If I were smart (or even remotely close to the "genius" AdBumb claims I am - ha ha ha ha, somebody forward that issue to my parents please), then I would have arranged for our newly revised Web site to be launched today so all the traffic coming in from resulting publicity won't see our old, tired, slightly-incorrect site. Instead, the new site launches later this week.

Genius marketers coordinate publicity and their site's status. I'm lookin' lame today.

If you'd like to see a copy of AdBumb with the interview with me, along with other fun articles, then email me at and I'll forward you one. (Nope they don't archive issues on their site. I guess they are not geniuses either, which makes me feel a bit better.)

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