May 17, 2000
How To

Simple Postcards Give Big Bang for the Buck:

SUMMARY: No summary available.
So-called “double postcards” (built so you can tear off one half to mail back for a free trial subscription) have been a staple of traditional magazine and newsletter marketing for two decades. So we were fascinated to learn how single postcards are working for online publisher Ilise Benun of

Campaign: a total of 3,500 postcards mailed to house lists of former subscribers; included in new subscriber “welcome” packages; and handed out at events where Ilise is a speaker. “I only give them to people who know who I am, it increases response.”

Creative: Benun says, “I really object to this idea that you can build traffic without giving reason to people of why they would go to your site. Don’t just give them your URL and expect floodgates to open. Tell them what they’ll find there, and then they’ll decide if they want to go.” Her postcard (printed an eye-catching bright red on the “picture” side with her domain name in white lettering) uses the message side to list reasons for people to visit the site including: “download free how-to marketing articles,” “access small business resource links,” and “sign up for free Quick Online Marketing Tips.”

Notes: Benun thinks other marketers should hand out postcards instead of business cards at events. “Business cards are too small, they get lost and people already have stacks of them from strangers. Flyers are too big. A postcard is just the perfect size for this piece of information, which is, Go to my Web site!”

She also suggests publishers (and ecommerce stores) include more than one copy of a postcard in fulfillment packages mailed out to subscribers and buyers: “A postcard is an easy thing for customers to hand out to their friends and colleagues. It makes word-of-mouth referrals easier.”

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