Creative Samples Library

What Is Enlightenment? Paid Subscription Drive:

Note: This sample is from the MarketingSherpa article:
Case Study: How to Sell More Print Magazine Subscriptions By Combining Web Plus Email

  1. Regular site home page
  2. Campaign landing page/portal
  3. Pop-up offer when landing page visitors clicked on any of the content links on the landing page
  4. Autoresponder email series
    - Day 1: "Your FREE 7-day pass"
    - Day 5: "Your FREE 7-day pass"
    - Day 13: "Free Audios and Videos from What Is Enlightenment?"
    - Day 26: "Free audio and article from What Is Enlightenment"
    - Day 35: "What Is Enlightenment? special offer"
    - Day 40: "Special What Is Enlightenment? multimedia features"
  5. Paid subscription offer page (link from email series)