See All Email Marketing Award Winners
Email Marketing Award Winners 2008

Email Marketing Award Winner
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Email Marketing Award Winner
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Email Marketing Award Winner
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Best Email Newsletter for Marketing Purposes:
Silver (tie) Consumer
My Coke Rewards Newsletter

Brand/Client Side Team:
Tara Scarlett


MarketingSherpa Summary - Why They Won:
This newsletter is all about interaction - and the more the reader interacts, the more the newsletter can individualized. This dynamic approach to a newsletter not only encouraged greater customer loyalty but also increased substantially the overall participation of Coke's loyalty program.

From Their Nomination Form:
My Coke Rewards looks to strengthen member-to-brand relationships through consistent and relevant touches leading to a dialogue relationship. In email, a bi-monthly dynamic newsletter utilizes precision marketing to drive its campaign segmentation and content. The logic of the Newsletter allows for delivery of engaging content to a specific, multifaceted segment in a single email. The result of precision marketing and smart design is a template that supports and reinforces the program and its many offerings. The dynamic email template showed immediate positive results. Not only were click through rates within the message extremely high, there were also huge increases with program participation as a direct result of the newsletter. Interaction within email increased by 46% and has remained steady. Through click map analysis we can see that the member is scrolling and looking for specific topics. This has resulted in increased program participation including site logins, product code entries, product trial proven with coupon redemption, reward redemptions and contest entries. The results are phenomenal at over a 200% increase in log-ins and an over 100% increase in PIN entry.