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Email Marketing Award Winners 2007

Email Marketing Award Winner
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Best Non-Email Opt-in Messaging:
Gold B-to-B
On the Record Online - Podcast

Brand/Client Side Team:
iPressroom, Chris Bechtel; Schwartzman & Associates, Eric Schwartzman

MarketingSherpa Summary - Why They Won:
Open admission -- we've actually downloaded and listened to this compelling podcast ourselves in the past. So, we were delighted to learn we are not alone. Turns out tens of thousands of execs listen to it. Our favorite part of this entry -- the marketers' promotional tactics include search engine optimization of typed transcripts on podcast episode description pages.

From Their Nomination Form:
In April 2005, Schwartzman & Associates launched a podcast for iPressroom, a privately held company in which the agency retains an equity stake. The firm's managing director, Eric Schwartzman, is also the founder of iPressroom, a provider of online public relations tools and services. On the RecordOnline features seminar-quality discussions with journalists from the mainstream media, bloggers, podcasters and newsmakers about how new media technology is changing -- and threatening to disrupt -- the media business and the practice of public relations. During the podcast listeners learn about how to best pitch story ideas to well known journalists and are simultaneously introduced to iPressroom. To give the podcast a professional, credible identity, the agency retained the same voice- over talent used by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in numerous interstitial programs. Professionally produced, contemporary production music was licensed to underscore the main title.

Since the Internet remains a text-based medium, the agency created show notes for each episode and keyword optimized those notes against popular terms and phrases used to make it easy for the programs to be found through Google, Yahoo!, iTunes, Podcast Alley and other popular search engines and podcast aggregators. Show notes are listed by time code to allow listeners to easily fast-forward or rewind to particular program highlights. At the same time, the agency made sure the show notes did not reveal the guest's opinions so listeners would be encouraged to download the program. On the Record Online has emerged as iPressroom's single-most effective marketing communications tactic. As of May 2, 2006, all 45 episodes of On the Record Online have been downloaded just over 100,000 times, with per month downloads growing from 1,224 episodes in the first month to as many as 16,339 downloads in the top month to date. Also, 47% of the shows regular subscriber base has completed an online form on iPressroom's Web site requesting more information on iPressroom's podcasting services. The podcast averages 551 downloads per day.