Email Marketing
Award Winners 2006
See All Email Marketing Award Winners

  Best Test You Learned From:
Gold B-to-B
Barclay's iShares - Ongoing Tests versus Control

Brand/Client Side Team:
David Feltman

Yesmail, Direct Partners, Adams Hussey & Associates, EuroRSCG

MarketingSherpa Summary - Why They Won:
Every six months iShares sends out "profile" requests to its list both via email and postal mail to get updated and more complete information so emails can be better tailored to individual recipients. That alone is a phenomenal best practice we applaud them for. However, not content with being the best, iShare's marketing team took the campaign to the next level this January by testing subject lines, copy/terminology, and incentives. This just proves how serious the team are about serving their prospects and clients true needs. This isn't lip service to ideals of customer-focused marketing. This is the real thing.

From Their Nomination Form:
Our target is a sophisticated financial professional. He advises clients or invests on their behalf.

The exchange traded fund (ETF) category of investment tool is relatively new. Barclays Global Investors (BGI) iShares ETFs are the leader in the category. However, there is still a huge learning curve for financial professionals who are not familiar with the product and may have misperceptions about their utility.

Another challenge for BGI is that financial professionals' transactions clear through a brokerage house so purchase history and behavior is not formally tracked. So, BGI use regular profiling campaigns to capture and update profile information.

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